Quality Casting

Quality Castings

quality policy


The quality policy of Quality Castings (Slough) Ltd. is designed to outline the Company’s objectives for quality and show its commitment to quality. It is also a key factor in the achievement of the Company’s overall business objectives which are:-


I. To establish and maintain Quality Castings (Slough) Ltd. as a leading producer and supplier of aluminium alloy castings in our chosen markets.
II. To be a profitable business organisation, since this is essential to the well being of the company, its employees and its customers.

Quality Policy Statement

The company is committed to the supply of competitively priced castings which consistently satisfy the customers expectations with regard to delivery performance and specifications in terms of quality, safety and reliability and performance in use.


The company has adopted a systematic and disciplined approach to all its activities which is embodied within our quality management system (QMS). It is committed to complying with the requirements of our QMS and to continually improve its effectiveness.


The QMS conforms to the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001.


The Quality Assurance Manager is responsible to, and has the full backing of the Board of Directors, to ensure that the necessary procedures are established, maintained and implemented in order that this quality policy is realised.

All employees are instructed in the requirements and application of the QMS, including this quality policy. All employees are thereby aware that the requirements of the quality system are mandatory.



“Quality Castings has an amazing team of hard working professionals. It has been a pleasure to meet them.”